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My reg has been cloned

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:08 pm
by Baby Cheeses
Cant believe it i was driving home from my swim and spotted this trailer for sale on the side of the road with a for sale sign on it and the reg plate of my Passat, quite a distinctive plate at that. whats bit of a worry this trailer was parked near a block of flats that has a carpack and garages around the back and guess where my Passat is kept? yes in one of those garages

Parked up and took a picture and my first instinct was to phone the willy telling him i was interested but instead i phoned the police who my details and the trailer sellers number and said they would be out within an hour to look.

What kind of idiot sells a trailer on the side of the road with the reg of another car thats parked round the corner, specially one that is very distinctive and easy to remember like the car it belongs to

Hanged around for a while just in case someone came to move it but have now come home, will be back later. One thing i am going to do is answer this add when the police have finnish with them