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Arch rolling, brief guide

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:41 pm
by daxmatt
Hello all, this topic seems to come up every now and again so thought I would put down how I did mine,I would like to say I aint no pro body shop worker but just a general have a go at home mechanic, dont let it put you off though as its not really that hard to do, I was lucky enough to use my mates roller to do it but even if you dont have one its still straight forward to do

First off the rear arches are double skined this means the body of the car joins at this point so unless your poo hot with a welder and prepared to repaint the arches do NOT cut the arches or grind them back, if however you do cut and dont weld them you will weaken the body probably have a car that creaks and rust nice and quick.

So to the rolling, do the obvious jack the car up so it wont drop on you and kill ya as you will be pulling the car about a bit, remove the inner arches, now the inner arch bolts to tabs on the wing I cut these off and binned them the reason being is that any metal you fold/roll will contact the wing so removing them means you wont push them under and damage the wing, next step is heat heat heat cannot stress this enough really as it does`nt mater what you use to roll the arches if you dont use heat you will crack the paint and then is paint time, I used a heat gun from a good few inches away allways moving it and not letting it stay over one point for to long as you will melt/burn the paint I did it until it was to hot to touch for any period of time but not damaging the paint it is possible but a little at a time is the best way.



Roll a bit at a time dont try to roll it all under in one go as the metal wont fold flush to the wing the neater the fold the more clearance you will have, after your done seal it with some under seal to stop the rust from the tabs that got cut off


Personally I did both fronts first before doing the rears so I had a better feel for what happened when rolling, on the rear its pretty much the same as the fronts but its harder to roll due to the metal being twice the thickness, also when the cars were assembled vw used tons of sealant so this MUST be removed or the metal you fold will have no were to go and just not roll, use your heat gun to remove the sealant as it comes out so much easyer when warm, when all the sealant is out start again with the rolling and your done


I managed to do all four arches on my wagon and only damaged one of the rears due to it having a skim of filler in it and it only cracked were the filler was all the rest remained undamaged, it took most of the day to do so its not a quick job but the time took meant no cracked paint and 8" et15 rims that dont scrub

Any questions just ask

cheers matt