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Been a while since I've been on a forum!

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 6:09 pm
by mighty_mechanic
So, here I am

I'm Nathan, I've just purchased Miho, a 1994 Passat 2.0CL Estate. I'm from the UK where it appears that there are only 18 of the CL left on the road! She has been dropped by the previous owner on some coilovers apparently, but I am yet to investigate which ones.

I'm here looking for info, tips & parts because daym these things are hard to find spares for :roll: But that and rust are synonymous with older VW's that are watercooled!

Here she is ... _copy_link

Edit, removed the BS added insta link while I work out how to add photos cos screw using photobucket! :-q