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Black Betty the euro tripper B5.5

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:55 pm
by charfitz94
For fear of repeating what i put in the newbie section:

Hi All,
New to the forum, joined up to delve into the wealth of knowledge. I am the latest owner of a '52 B5.5 1.9TDI, with hefty mileage and no service history to speak of.
This vehicle was bought for £650, off Ebay, with the sole intention of getting myself and two of my best mates to Croatia, and hopefully back again.
We took delivery, serviced her, stuck on some new rubber and cracked on. 10,000 miles and 16 countries (if you count the British Isles) later, she's going strong, and I've grown so attached I've bought the other two out. The original intention was to scrap post-holiday, but I couldn't do it after the adventure, so I sold my BMW and now daily this old beast around Sheffield.
Her name is Black Betty, she's rough round the edges but solid, and my vague plan is to spend a few quid making her semi-presentable in her twilight years. I'll mechanically maintain her until she gives up the ghost completely. I feel like we've saved her from possible scrapping so any more time is a bonus.

Pics to follow on if anyone is interested.



So I thought I'd do a few bits to Betty, but not before sharing a few pics of the adventure she's had.

Northern Germany, first week of euro trip.

Amsterdam, not the easiest place to drive into or around, so we got up quite early for this shot.

Rally Decals.

Brussels, we got lost, but what a place to get lost

Garda, no car in this one but hell of a view

no comment




Border crossing

The team

The progress map I drew on the bonnet (this was on the crossing home to Dover)

Hopefully this seems somewhat relevant and doesn't stray down the lines of boring people with holiday snaps too much. Build thread to follow as I do a few bits to the old girl. Thanks for looking.