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how to post pictures the idiot proof way!

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:08 pm
by wastrel1066
hi guys, If we've over 15000 of us, I reckon some could maybe use a simple guide to posting pictures! now, being a 40 something technophobe/idiot! if I can do it, anyone can do it! here`s how.
(1) open a photobucket account, you just need a username & password & you're off.
(2) upload pics into account, easiest way is simply drag the pics you want to post, out of your picture folder, onto your desktop, (less pictures to look through if they're right there on your desktop!) upload from there into photobucket account.
(3) have photobucket account open when you're in UKP's, for me, I have a white box right at the top of my screen telling me where I am, right of that & attached to it is a dull grey tab, click that & I have 2 online pages on the go- 1 for UKP & 1 for photobucket.
(4) when you type a message in UKP there's a list above & along the box you're typing in,
click Img & 2 appear, now, click on the photobucket tab, put cursor on the picture you want us all to see, a drop down menu appears, second box says direct link, hold cursor on that, wait for glove to appear & click it.
(5) click back into UKP & your message is waiting with the 2 img's, right click dead centre of them & a menu appears, click 'paste' & you've just added a picture into your message!
want to add another pic'? your first picture looks like a big long code inbetween those img's, click right of last 'img's, 2 more appear, then back to your photobucket account, go to next pic you want to post, click direct link, back to UKP, right click the flashing cursor inbetween the img's, right click, paste etc, etc, until you've added all the pictures you want.
click preview & you'll see how your message is gonna look on UKP, click submit, job done!
I hope that helps someone out. :ymhug: