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Here's one for the ladies...

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:56 pm
by ChrisKnottIns
If you were expecting an image of a hunky guy or an offer of free chocolate we’re sorry to disappoint.

However, you won’t be disappointed with our car insurance quotes even though the EU has ruled that women can no longer receive cheaper rates than men after 21/12/2012. The result is that many insurers are expected to raise premiums for you girls rather than reduce the rates for chaps.

As brokers with the flexibility to set our own rates (as long as we keep the overall account in profit) we’ve rarely ever considered gender when quoting anyway. And we won’t be raising our rates just because you’re a woman.

So the message is… give the forum insurance scheme with Chris Knott a try when your inflated renewal hits the mat and we could be your best option for a great deal.

PS. if you’re desperate, here’s a link to some muscles – WARNING it’s a bit saucy –