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vw service plan, do i follow it?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:00 pm
by rrobson
is 20000 mile service interval too long?

i know there have been great advances in oil technologies, and i am aware that vw isnt the only manufacutrer that follow longer service plans, but is 20000 miles just a bit too long between services?

so what do you do? do you drop the oil every 10k, and have a proper stamped service at 20k or do you simply follow the recommended plan? would be intersting to hear from people with higher mileage cars what effects its had.

with old oil, id be worried about the turbo bearings more than anything, but it cant be great for any bearings.
i know 20k isnt actually that many continous running hours, and for me personally i will run out of miles before i get to 12 month, but is oil now good enough to not worry?