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Deep scratches

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:02 am
by Spacemonkey
I got my "new car" the other week and when ive sorted out the service and had a good tidy of the engine bay i want to start on the body. My problem is that the last owner pee'd off his G/F and she put scratches in most panels, some are only fine so i will be able to get them out but there are some nasty ones there too. They are not that deep that they are through to the metal but still too deep to polish out.

If it was just solid paint i would be able to do it but its metalic blue, would it be better to juse give it to a expert to sort or is not as bad i think to do?

I dont want to do it just to see lines of paint on the bodywork like you do when you see people who have used rattle cans on there matalic paint.