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Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:15 pm
by smithy756
NORTH EAST POLICE - Catalytic converter theft
High prices for precious metals have resulted in a noticeable increase in thefts of catalytic converters.

Catalytic converter
Thieves simply cut the catalytic converter from the exhaust pipe of a parked car and sell it on to scrap metal dealers.

Taller vehicles such as 4x4s are particularly vulnerable as the converters are more accessible - and because they tend to have larger engines, they contain more of the precious metals too.

To reduce the risk of theft of your car's catalytic converter:

Garage your car whenever possible
Park in well-lit busy areas
Be aware of people looking under cars
If the car is high risk consider marking the metal shell of the converter with a unique mark, so that if it is removed by thieves it will be easier to trace back to your vehicle
Fit a catalytic converter clamp or security cage
Catalytic converters have been fitted in the exhaust of the majority of petrol cars manufactured since 1992 and, by chemical reaction, substantially reduce harmful pollutants from the exhaust.