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Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:48 pm
by wingz123
Got my leccy bill through today...

What is the average price per unit for electricity???

Since moving in (3 months ago) I have used 6000+(ish) units which for that period of time works out to be £790!!!!!!!!!for 3 months!!!!

I hang a wire out the window and use the hoover and pressure washer BUT I don't use them that much to warrant that size bill!!...

I only have a 2 bedroom apartment! Back in Slough I had a three bedroom house and granted that had gas as well whereas this apartment is solely electricity I used to pay £130 per month for gas and electricity...

So I've downsized AND I'm paying more!!!!!

£790/3 works out to be £230 PER MONTH!!! WTF!??.........and we haven't even got into proper winter yet!!!