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USA Style Cruzing Lights, How To.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:01 pm
by Baby Cheeses
Thought I would put this in General Chat because it applies to all models and not just Passats and if like me you love mods that cost oh fiddlesticks! all you may want to give it a go

What you need.
2 double filament bulbs, the ones that act as break light and rear light
Soldering iron and solder
For us B3 owners a small screw driver and very small file.
18 amp wire

How to, bear in mind I did this to my B3 so you may differ a tad
Lift Bonnet and unplug indicator and you will find there's joint in the wiring harness about 6 ins from bulb that you can also unplug this. Once removed you will see there is 2 wires that go in to the back of the bulb holder, 1 black, 1 brown. Cut these wires as close as you can to the bulb holder

Where the 2 wires entered the bulb holder get a screw driver and prize out the waxy stuff that holds the wiring in place, comes out very easy.

You will now be left with the plastic bulb holder with no innards.Looking inside the bulb holder you will see the 2 groves that the bulb sits in to hold it in place. One grove go's right through and the other dose not, the 1 that go's through you may need to make a little bigger and that where a small file or chisel would be handy.

Your bulbs you are going to use have a staggered fitment so you need to file away the prong that's highest, nears to bulb


Take the short wiring harness and thread them back through the bulb holder ready to solder.

I placed the bulb gently in a small vice. With my soldering iron I placed some solder where the prong was that I filed away and I then soldered the brown wire to that.

Now you need to go back to your car and plug the harness back in a switch on the hazards.
Thake the black wire and touch each solder on the back of the bulb to determine witch is the brighter ( which is break light and which is rear light). Remember which is which but you need to solder the black wire to the brighter solder.

On the other solder you need to solder a length of wire to this, I used 18 amp wire and you bulb will now look like this


Now pull all the wire through, you pay need to fettle the bulb holder to get the bulb to sit nice


Now refit bulb holder and harness to car and the spare wire you have soldered on you can connect to where you like, could be side lights or like me when I get time I will wire them so they come on with the ignition, didn't finish job due to having a cold alcoholic drink due to heat, also explains why this is a bit long winded :hyst

Connect straight to battery