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lewis HAS been working hard - Progress - YAY

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:37 pm
by lewiswilkinson
First day back at uni today, and my lecturer phoned in ill, so i had a whole day to waste :)

Bought a grille last week for my B3 as i wanted a debadged one. Was white, cost me a fiver from the breakers (i dont have a picture, but you can imagine, im sure).

Today, i set about keying it up, priming it for fun, only knowing that im going to have to sand the middle out anyway :)

Now, 2 hours later, and with a very sore wrist I am satisfied (haha). Pulled out the 'VW' emblem, and plastic welded (the joy of half of your campus being art orientated is that they have lots of cool equipment) a plate in about 5mm from the surface of the grille. Keyed up some more, and topped with filler. Lots of sanding done, and a small bit more filling and sanding to do, but then its on to paint. YAY :D

Looked like this, but in white (when you pop the badge out, there is a hole big enough to fit your hand through :)):


