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Which relay or box controls the boost control valve on the AAZ fuel pump?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:29 pm
by bencuri
My AAZ engine has a type of fuel pump, where the idle speed losses are compensated with an electric speed boost valve (there is also a vacum version of it in some cars). Does anyone know which relay or box controls the amount of the boost on the fuse box? I was told it is the number 166 box, but I cannot check it, because the manual of my car has no info about the electric or vacum controlled boost valves. Something has gone wrong in the control system, and I have a suspicion that box is the faulty part. But I cannot find which one of the many on the fuse panel.

Here are some photos of the electric boost control part that I referred to (ignore the manual ajdustment wire above it, it is just a temporary solution until the automatic control is repaired).

I am not sure about the serial number of the Fuel Pump, because the writing is unreadable on mine, but very likely it is one of these two:
bosch VE 0460494346 VE R 433/2
bosch VE 0460494286 VE R 433
