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Couple of Smoke questions.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:17 am
by Weble
Hi guys, I have done a couple of searches but can't seem to find anything.

First one is an occasional smoke issue, when the car is cold and first started there is no, or rather very minimal smoke on par with other cars. However when first driven, i.e Pulling away in 1st and 2nd gear she dumps a noticeable cloud of blue smoke. It's not extreme, and it only happens sometimes when cold. It would be like an old Ford CVH engine with knackered valve seals. Would it be the same again with this or something else? Is it even worth worrying about? The car seems to have used no oil over the last 700 miles we've owned the car although it would be hard to tell in such short distance.

The other one i suspect is a normal diesel issue but best to check. When driving in the dark, and being followed by another car and im on the throttle there is visible smoke in the headlights of the car behind. Both my prev Ford diesel's did this but they were tired to say the least. Of course the more throttle i give the more i see, only if i'm very gentle on the throttle do i see no smoke at all. I'm hoping this would be normal behaviour?

The car is a 94,000 mile 2001 TDI 130 Manual.

Many thanks guys
