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strange gearbox oil leak on my tdi b6

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:29 pm
by jamesey
hi ive just been to south wales then headed down to cornwall all in all a 1100 mile round trip but on the way back we was making really good time sticking to the speed limits of course i drove from cornwall to nottingham in 4 hours and stopped in the service station and noticed oil dripping from my undertray i thought it was engine oil at first we drove steady and called at ikea in notts and the same again around 3 inches round of oil dripped out.
after limping home and leaving it overnight as i was knackered this morning there was not a drip at all but the under tray was oiley
ive just taken it off to see and it looks like gearbox oil (very clean oil) it doesnt look like it lost much at all maybe 1/4 of a litre with the ,mess on the tray its hard to tell , why would it not be dripping now is there a overheating vent on the box that spews oil out?
also last year i replaced the endcap on the box and refreshed the oil so i know it was full , only took around 2 or 3 litres if i remember well , any advice would be great as it doesnt seem to be leaking now?